Funerals Speeches 101 – Tips on Writing Funeral Speeches

Funerals Speeches 101 – Tips on Writing Funeral Speeches

We all know that writing funeral speeches is one of the saddest parts of this solemn occasion. However, this is also an opportunity to show everyone how much the deceased has contributed to society, how loving he was and how much he will be missed. It is difficult to remember a deceased loved one and write something about him, let alone stand in front of a crowd and say the best things about him. This can be very draining of emotion and physical power and some helpful tips will not be all too bad.

First off, you need to take a break. You need to spend some time alone before writing funeral speeches. If it is possible, you can take a walk by yourself and think things over. You should prepare how you would go about writing the speech and make it coherent. You can focus on the deceased’s life history and shared memories. You can write something about his contributions to society or profession.

When writing funeral speeches, you are advised to keep them short. The reason being is that you might get into tears and you might not be able to finish it. Also, keep in mind that you may not be the only person who will deliver a eulogy. There are others waiting who also want to share how they feel. Perhaps three to five minutes will be enough. Lastly, you need to focus on the life of the person, not his death.

With that, you should be well on your way to writing a great speech.